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By Bus


The estimated travel time from Kuala Lumpur to Butterworth is about 4h 50m. Note that traveling by bus is slower compared to driving your own car or getting a taxi. Depending on the departure time congestion between Kuala Lumpur and Butterworth may differ greatly There is usually more traffic between morning and afternoon during weekdays than during weekends.

The ticket price from Kuala Lumpur to Butterworth can vary depending on the type of buses you choose. For a less expensive ticket consider non-air-conditioned or ordinary buses. Premium or luxury buses are more expensive but you can expect more comfort and some additional services like phone charging ports, personal entertainment system screens, and toilets.

From Butterworth, you can take a cab or local bus that goes straight to the PSP campus in Permatang Pauh.

By Train


The distance between the capital of Malaysia and Butterworth is about 350 km. Travel time from Kuala Lumpur to Penang by train is four hours if you go by a high-speed electric train (ETS), while the ordinary intercity train takes over five hours to cover the same distance. It leaves Kuala Lumpur Sentral at 4 pm daily and arrives at Butterworth at 9.45 pm. The main advantage of this intercity train is the price of the tickets which is nearly twice as low as the one of the ETS at RM34 compared to RM59.

From Butterworth, you can take a cab or local bus that goes straight to the PSP campus in Permatang Pauh.

By Flight 


When traveling by flight from Kuala Lumpur to Penang, you can depart from 2 airports: Subang Airport or Kuala Lumpur Airport (KLIA). Subang Airport is closer to Kuala Lumpur city center, but Kuala Lumpur Airport normally offers cheaper flights. All flights arrive at Penang Airport, located in the southern end of the island. From here, Permatang Pauh is 26km away.

From Penang Airport, you can take a cab or local bus that goes straight to the PSP campus in Permatang Pauh.


Quotation & Tenders







What are the courses offered in Seberang Perai Polytechnic?

Seberang Perai Polytechnic offers courses for Certificate and Diploma levels. The Certificate and Diploma courses cover the field of Electrical, Mechanical, and Commerce.


How long are the duration of the Certificate and Diploma courses?

The study duration for Diploma courses will be for 6 semesters, while Certificate courses will be for 4 semesters. However, the study duration will differ for certain students, especially for carry module students.


Does Seberang Perai Polytechnic offer part-time courses?

Yes, Seberang Perai Polytechnic does offer part-time courses but only for students who have a Polytechnic Certificate only.


Will students be eligible to get sponsorship or study loans?

Yes, only diploma-level students are eligible to apply for sponsorship and study loans from various bodies, such as PTPTN and JPA.


Are the students eligible to transfer their credit?

Yes, students can transfer their credit based on the approval of the Examination Unit, Seberang Perai Polytechnic


What are the terms and conditions to continue my studies at Seberang Perai Polytechnic?

The terms and conditions are different according to your level of qualification and the course you want to apply for. Please log on to for more details.


How do I apply to study at Seberang Perai Polytechnic?

The application is online via and the offer will be advertised twice a year.


How to contact Seberang Perai Polytechnic?

Seberang Perai Polytechnic can be contacted through:

Telephone: 04-5383322

Facsimile:  04-5389266

Hotel / Homestay

Bil  Hotel/Homestay  Phone Number
1  Mutiara Inn Politeknik Seberang Perai  04-5383322
2  Hotel Sunway Seberang Jaya  04-3707788
3  Pearl View Butterworth  04-3989888
4  Hotel Inderawasih Perai  04-3902815
5  Beauty House Hotel Butterworth  04-3233736
6  Butterworth Travel Lodge Butterworth  04-3333399
7  Embassy Hotel Butterworth  04-3235378
8  Hotel Summit Bukit Mertajam  04-5386666
9  Hotel Uitm Permatang Pauh  04-3823888
10  Hotel Palm Inn Bukit Mertajam  04-5307532
11  Nahdhoh Inn Bukit Mertajam  04-5213500
12  Safira Country Club Seberang Jaya  04-3983111
13  Nasmir Hotel Bukit Mertajam  04-5077755
14  Bukit Mertajam Inn Bukit Mertajam  04-5395344
15  Adamson Inn, Permatang Pauh  019-4426995 / 019-4259126
16  Shamida Homestay, Bandar Putra Bertam  012-4096499/019-4756499
17  Homestay Azzahra, Seberang Jaya  019-4228964 (Sofian)
18  Homestay D'Bamboo, Seberang Jaya  012-5595646 (Fadli)
19  Homestay Kondo Mutiara, Bandar Perda  016-4490031 (Baharudin)/
 016-4490032 (Zubir)
20  Homestay Taman Pauh  012-2655793 (Zamri)/
 019-5252648 (Rohana)
21  Lepak Homestay
22  Hotel Seri Pauh, Permatang Pauh  04-3900351
23  D' Pauh Homestay Taman Pauh  0134214669 / 0134235484.
24  Homestay Taman Pauh, Taman Pauh,Pmtg Pauh  0124151529
25  Rumaisa Inn Homestay  012-4710552 (Hamizat) /
 012-4711322 (Siti Aminah)
26  Sakinah Homestay  012-4075423 (Nor Azman)
27  HNZ Homestay  019-4434109 (Muhammad Husni)
28  Asma Homestay, Permatang Pauh  012-4755664 (Asma)
29  The Light Hotel  04-382 1111
30  Muslim Homestay  0135056933 (Normi)
31  BudgetliciousHomestay, Bandar Perda  019-4748612 (Watie)
32  Persona Homestay  012-5990577 (Johanif)