The color RED signifies bravery. While the color BLACK signifies professionalism.
The 4 corners represent the core contained in the Direction of Polytechnic Transformation and also the 4 main components in TVET namely Technical, Vocational, Education & Training.
The upward curve symbolizes the improvement of students' skills and level of marketability as well as the role of polytechnics as TVET leaders.
The font used for POLITEKNIK is Dodge Font which has a futuristic concept that symbolizes JPP's readiness in driving the organization towards global technological advancement.
MALAYSIA font uses Abeatby Kai font to show the elements of modernity.
Cambria Bold is used for the word that represents the name of Seberang Perai Polytechnic. The more formal serif typeface is used to show the seriousness of the Polytechnic in producing quality and competitive graduates.
Seberang Perai Polytechnic Mace
Specially designed to represent a learning center that educates students from the basic to the higher level of studies in fields of science, technology, and commerce. The tower design and golden filigree decoration are symbols of success and good value.
Tower Shape
Polytechnic is a center of studies in the fields of science, technology, and commerce and will bring the students to a better standard. This shape also represents a place that can give a far and wide view, at once reflecting the student's identities in having a better vision.
Gold Filigree
Gold is a very valuable metal that’s desired by all people as jewelry. The same concept is being followed by these Polytechnic students, knowledge is a very valuable item for the future. Beautifully carved filigree represents the national culture that’s not being forgotten in academics, personality, and nation-loving spirit.